With the proper planning and execution, open houses can double or even triple the number of leads you get. I put together the ultimate open house checklist for agents to help you make the most of your open houses. I’ve included valuable tips for each step, links to in-depth articles on open house apps, boosting Facebook posts, and even using scripts and icebreakers to engage visitors. Download the open house preparation checklist and start reading!

Open House Checklist
Download our Open House Checklist

Before Your Open House

Getting ready for an open house is more than just a task. It’s an opportunity to impact the future of the property significantly. As the big day approaches, you must tackle several essential tasks to ensure everything runs smoothly and impresses potential buyers. 

1. Consider Professional Staging

Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression. If your new listing needs a little extra pizazz, consider the expertise of a professional staging company or software. They can make the most of your client’s existing decor or spice it up to help your listing pop. And if your listing is vacant, adding a few things to give context to the space is essential to attract the perfect buyers.

Apply Design features and services
Apply Design features and services (Source: Apply Design)

Check out Apply Design, the ultimate user-friendly app that empowers everyone to stage their listings effortlessly. Unlike other virtual staging apps, Apply Design still gives agents the freedom to work their magic. It has an intuitive interface and a vast selection of elegant furniture, art, lighting, rugs, and plant renderings!

2. Get Pro Photography

Now that you’ve got the place looking super-fly, it’s time for real estate photography. Word of warning—don’t skimp on the pictures! You’re about to post this listing for everyone to view and want these pictures to draw potential buyers to your upcoming open house. Be sure to hire a professional to get the job done. Or, if you DIY, at least check out our tips to ensure buyers stop scrolling through Zillow to add your open house list to their calendar.

Pro Tip: While your pro photographer is already in your new listing and everything looks perfect, get them to shoot some video for you, too. Some photographers can create Reel-style short vertical videos that you can use to post to social media to announce your upcoming open house. If your photographer doesn’t offer this service or you want to do some DIY to save some cash, make some quick videos yourself using your cell phone camera.

3. Boost Your Open House Post on Facebook

Given that most of your potential open house guests are conducting their house hunting online, boosting a Facebook post to announce your open house can be a game-changer. Just ensure your Facebook ad is designed to cut through the noise on Facebook. If you’re yet to set up a Facebook business page, you can find a comprehensive guide in our How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads article.

Screenshot of an open house Facebook ad sample
Example of an open house Facebook ad (Source: Facebook)

4. Decide Which Food & Drinks You Want to Serve

Believe it or not, the refreshments you serve at your open house can greatly impact how you are perceived as an agent. Remember, most of your guests don’t know you. That means they will be judging you on everything, including food! By serving high-quality open house refreshments, you will enhance your professional image and leave a lasting impression on your guests.

If you’re ordering food, give the restaurant or caterer enough time to prepare it. Two days before the open house should usually be enough lead time, but call ahead to make sure. If you’re making refreshments alone, shopping and preparing a few days before couldn’t hurt. 

5. Send an Email Blast or Newsletter Reminder

You worked hard to build your email list; now is the time to use it. Include your open house announcement in your weekly newsletter, or better yet, send out a dedicated email blast if you think the house is a good deal or it offers something curious neighbors might want to see.

Screenshot of Pipedrive dashboard and deals
Pipedrive dashboard and deals (Source: Pipedrive)

Looking for a simple way to send out your email blast? Pipedrive provides a customizable email builder with impressive templates and email analytics. Its intuitive interface lets you create visually appealing emails tailored to your branding and audience. Its robust analytics offer valuable insights into email performance, including open rates, click-through rates, and engagement metrics.

6. Post Your Open House on Zillow & Realtor.com 

Of course, not all your potential guests will be on your email list, but they will be scrolling Zillow and realtor.com if they’re looking to buy. Zillow’s dedicated setting for scheduling open houses is a convenient tool to help you plan your event. You need to plan it early, but not too early. Four days or so before your open house should do the trick. 

Why stop with your open house? Zillow Premier Agent is a powerful tool that lets you connect with buyers where they’re already looking, giving you the confidence that your property is being seen by the right people.

7. Text Buyers You’re Already Working With

If you’re working with buyers, send them a quick text to announce the open house. It might not be the perfect home for them, but it gives you another chance to connect and will show them you’re working hard for your seller client.

8. Text Your Seller a Checklist to Prepare the Home

It’s important to give your seller time to prepare for the open house. They might need to clean, hide valuables, or make arrangements for pets. To show your thoughtfulness and care, offer to send a house cleaner, even though they might refuse. It’s the thought that counts!

Before and after home staging example
Before and after home staging example (Source: Pinterest)

Two Days Before Your Open House

Are you ready to host an open house for your real estate listing? Two days before the big day, you must utilize social media to reach out to the neighbors and prepare essential materials. These steps not only help you maximize attendance but also create a buzz that can make your open house an exciting event. 

9. Post an Instagram Reel Preview Announcement 

Since your Facebook post has already been boosted, take a few minutes to create a quick Instagram Reel to announce the open house to your followers. It doesn’t have to be Hollywood-quality, but it should tell them the date, time, and address and maybe include a sneak peek of the home. 

Highlight the benefits of attending, such as getting a first-hand look at the property, meeting the real estate agent, and asking any questions you may have. Shoot and edit this in advance, posting it two days before the open house.

Example of Instagram Reel open house preview announcement (Source: Instagram)

10. Do Some Circle Prospecting

Agents may shy away from knocking on doors (even though you should do that, too). Still, circle prospecting is a unique way to establish a personal connection with the neighborhood around your listing. Circle prospecting is a real estate strategy to generate more leads by focusing on a smaller area around a specific property. This makes building relationships and showcasing experience easier, creating a more personal outreach than cold calls. 

This personal touch can significantly enhance your chances of gaining another client. So, step out, knock on those doors, personally invite the neighbors to the open house, and then follow up with the results using a Just Sold postcard after you close.

11. Review Your Open House Scripts & Icebreakers

If you’re a new agent or haven’t held an open house in a while, it’s crucial to freshen up your open house scripts and icebreakers. This preparation will ensure you don’t stumble on the big day, making you feel more reassured. You want to be loose and spontaneous, but having some snappy phrases in your arsenal can’t hurt! A great example of an icebreaker and script from Laura Marie, Team Leader, eXp Realty:

Agent: Welcome! Stay as long as you want or as short as you want.

Then I walk away and let them wander. A while later, I find them and ask by name:

Agent: Do you want to buy it?

Generally, they will say no, which leads to the next question:

Agent: What are you looking for?

Listen for their response.

Agent: Hmmm, I think I’ve seen your dream home. Once I’m done here at {current listing address}, let’s go take a look. It’s only going to take us five minutes.

Set the appointment right then and go see a home or two. I’ve found offering showings on the same day has the highest conversion.

12. Add Your Open House Sign 

Consider installing the open house sign a little earlier than scheduled. This can notify neighbors and passersby that they are welcome to drop by and view the home at their convenience without making an appointment.

Example of an open house feather flag
Example of an open house feather flag (Source: Dee Sign)

13. Print Out Your Sign-in Sheets or Set Up Your App

It also helps to print out your open house sign-in sheets a few days before the event. The last thing you want is to have a printer malfunction or discover you’re low on ink the morning of the event.

Curb Hero app on tablet and smart phone
Curb Hero digital sign-in (Source: Curb Hero)

By the way, printing your open house sign-in sheets is so 2020. Savvy agents are stepping up their open house game with apps like Curb Hero, which feeds leads directly to thousands of customer relationship managers (CRMs) to help you easily stay on top of your potential new clients. And it’s free!

The Day of Your Open House

Get ready for your open house by taking care of these key tasks: think about what to bring to an open house as a realtor, put up directional signs, jazz up your for sale sign with balloons, and set up welcoming signs, eye-catching open house flyers, and important disclosures. Paying attention to these details will help set the right tone and make your open house a hit!

14. Install Open House Directional Signs

Given that many locations restrict the placement of directional signs to the day of your open house, it’s crucial to take the initiative and wake up early to install them. This proactive approach ensures you’re in control of the event’s logistics.

Example of open house directional sign
Open house directional sign sample (Source: DeeSign)

15. Put Balloons on Your For Sale Sign

While some realtors may dismiss balloons as tacky, they are a practical and effective tool to prevent your guests from getting lost and to attract attention. Embracing this strategy can give you confidence in the smooth running of your open house.

16. Put Out Welcome Signs, Flyers & Disclosures 

Once your directional signs and balloons are in place, it’s time to prepare the house for viewing. Set up a visible and informative entrance with a small table displaying your welcome sign, sign-in sheet, flyers, and disclosures. This clear guidance ensures your guests are well-informed from the moment they arrive.

Example of an open house flyer from Postermywall
Open house flyer template from Postermywall

Two Days After Your Open House 

As a realtor, your work doesn’t end when the last visitor leaves the open house. Completing post-open house tasks is a key part of your real estate agent open house checklist. It’s not just about wrapping up the event—it’s about maximizing your chances of getting property offers, generating new leads, and making a lasting impression on your sellers. The diligence and focus you put into these tasks can lead to approving reviews of your services and boost your professional reputation.

17. Text Buyers’ Agents for Feedback 

If you know any agents who brought or sent buyers to your open house, text them and ask for feedback. You can also include them in your follow-up emails, but texting will likely get you a faster—and hopefully more honest—response. 

18. Add Sign-ins to Your CRM 

This step should be fast and easy if you use an app that integrates with your customer relationship manager (CRM) like Pipedrive. If you’re working with paper sign-in sheets, enter them manually or send the list to your virtual assistant.

Twelve logos for some of the available integrations with Pipedrive
Some available integrations (Source: Pipedrive)

Pipedrive’s email segmentation allows agents to filter contacts based on various criteria, such as activities, products, and deals. This enables personalized emails to be sent to all clients, resonating with each recipient. Additionally, Pipedrive automates tasks such as reminders and email follow-ups, streamlining client management for real estate agents

19. Text Hot Sign-in Leads for Feedback 

After having great conversations with your guests, sending a friendly text is a more personal way to follow up than emailing. Remember to offer something of value, like inviting them for a coffee to discuss their real estate needs and desires further.

20. Email Cold Sign-in Leads

Finally, it would be best to take all the people who gave you their contact information and put them on a drip campaign. A drip campaign is a series of pre-written emails that are automatically sent to a specific group of people over a period of time. You can start with an email request for feedback and follow up with hot new listings. Make sure you ask for their business in your call to action. An example of an open house follow-up email is shown below:

21. Share All Feedback & Performance Data With the Seller

After receiving feedback about the home, put it all together and send it to your seller. Apps like Spacio will give you a form to send them with the data, making the process convenient and easy. However, you can always write it in an email or text message along with your analysis if that’s more comfortable for you. 

Bringing It All Together

Hey there, everyone! I’ve created a comprehensive open house checklist for realtors, but I’d love to make it even more impressive with your help! If you think anything should be added to the open house checklist for sellers, please feel free to share your ideas in the comments. Your input is incredibly valuable, and together, let’s make this real estate agent open house checklist absolutely fantastic!

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