Real estate hashtags can be intimidating, but they don’t have to be. When used correctly, real estate hashtags can elevate your marketing and help people find you in a crowded market. And it’s easier than you think. I will walk you through everything you need to learn about real estate hashtag strategy. I’ll also list more than 107 hashtags to 10X your followers on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and other social media sites.

What Are Real Estate Hashtags, Anyway?

Hashtags for real estate are words or phrases preceded by a # sign (otherwise known as the pound sign), which agents and brokers use as part of their real estate social media marketing strategy on sites like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to categorize posts into various topics. 

When you use a hashtag, your words or phrases become clickable. Users can then click on hashtags to see all posts on a given topic or tag their posts to make them visible to other users interested in their topic of choice.

Why Should I Use Hashtags?

Real estate hashtags can elevate your content and boost your exposure in several ways. 

  • Increase visibility: Social media’s a jungle! But with the right hashtags, your brand will shine like the sun bouncing off a mirror. Use hashtags to get seen and noticed.
  • Target your message: No shooting in the dark. Tailor your hashtags to hit your exact target audience.
  • Strengthen brand identity: Consistent hashtags for realtors build a recognizable presence online over time.
  • Boost engagement: Hashtags can be conversation starters. Use them to connect, chat, and get people talking about specific topics, answers to questions, or your listings.
  • Stay current: Hop on trending real estate hashtags to show you’re in the know. It’s a chance to shine as the go-to real estate pro!

The 107+ Top Real Estate Hashtags for 2024

OK, now that you know the basics, let’s get down to why you really came here: The real estate hashtags!

While you may be tempted just to copy and paste our list and go right back to scrolling through the MLS, that would be a mistake. After all, great hashtags can be incredibly useful for getting your social media marketing off the ground, but learning how to use them is just as important as the hashtags themselves.

So copy and paste if you must, but come back to learn some powerful hashtag strategies to level up your followers on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest. 

Busy helping clients? Leave your social media presence & hashtag strategy to the experts at Coffee & Contracts.

General Real Estate Hashtags

These hashtags should be used for most of your real estate posts. You can tailor these and use a different group of these hashtags for different types of posts. For example, I would use #realtorlife when I post anything about my everyday grind, like running around putting up open house directional signs.

Listing Hashtags for Real Estate

If I’m posting to promote a new listing, that’s when I would use these real estate hashtags. You shouldn’t use all of them—only the relevant ones to the particular listing you’re trying to promote.

Neighborhood Hashtags

These neighborhood real estate hashtags are great to use when you want to make your marketing more granular. Using these ultra-specific hashtags will help you attract the attention of potential buyers interested in your area.

Branding Hashtags for Real Estate

Use these hashtags to promote your own unique brand. You can easily use your brokerage or even your specific niche. But create some hashtags that are completely unique to you and your brand.

Fun Real Estate Hashtags

These will probably not be used as often as the other hashtags on this list. But if you have a chance to add one of these to your list of hashtags on any post, jump on it. These are only a few of the different fun real estate hashtags you can use. They change frequently, so do a fresh search from time to time to make sure you catch the latest trends.

Best Practices: How to Use Realtor Hashtags on Social Media

OK, so far we’ve covered the basics and given you a ton of top real estate hashtags. Now, let’s go over some crucial best practices so you can actually use these hashtags to close more deals in 2024.

Tip 1: Run A/B Tests to Grow Engagement

Hashtags are helpful to get exposure, but they won’t make your posts go viral. If you truly want to create posts that resonate and create engagement, you can seek answers from your audience and then run A/B tests to find out which ideas get the most engagement. Keep testing until you find what your audience is most interested in, and lean into that.

Tip 2. Limit the Number of Hashtags

While Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags, you shouldn’t go crazy with them. Consider following some successful Instagram accounts to get some great ideas for your marketing. When there’s really no set number of hashtags to use in your posts, consider the following advice:

  • Use hashtags that are relevant to your post
  • Monitor which hashtags are being used by your fans
  • Use a mix of common and more obscure hashtags
  • Create your own branded hashtag
  • Keep the number of hashtags to between three and five
  • Don’t use overly generic hashtags

Also, there are some things you should avoid:

  • Don’t use unrelated hashtags 
  • Don’t use overly generic hashtags
  • Don’t use too many hashtags—more will not help you get more attention

Tip 3. Use Hashtags That Target People in Your Farm Area

The only way your social media posts will help you sell more houses is if they get in front of people who live in or want to live in your farm area. It’s more important to be intentional with your real estate Instagram posts. Using one to three local hashtags for realtors should get the job done.

Tip 4. Highlight Your Listing’s Best Features With Hashtags

Another great way to use real estate agent hashtags is to show off the cool features of your listing, or maybe several listings you love.

A social media post of a window and two chairs overlooking the ocean of a real estate listing showing how an agent used hashtags.
Use hashtags to highlight features, like this post that emphasizes the views in this listing. (Source: Instagram)

For example, you might want to include hashtags like #fireplace, #countrylife, or #farmhousestyle for a secluded listing in the country, or maybe something like #duplex, #lifestylegoals, or #industrialchic for a new loft development downtown.

Tip 5. Find Trending Real Estate Hashtags

Hashtag trends can change over time. New hashtags emerge while others fade and lose their power. But there are plenty of ways to stay on top of the trends and stay relevant with your followers. Start with a manual search. Simply put the main term you’re trying to find hashtags for in the search box. You should be able to find a list of related hashtags below the results.

Screenshot of the Search box on Instagram with the results for #realestate listed beneath the search box.
Use the search function in the left sidebar on Instagram (Source: Instagram)

You can also use the Explore feature in the sidebar on Instagram and Twitter.

Screenshot of the left sidebar on Instagram with Home, Search, Explore, Reels, Messages, Notifications, and Create clickable links.
To find trending hashtags, click on the “Explore” tab on the left sidebar (Source: Instagram)

Since social media sites are created to be social, using popular hashtags that your audience or competition uses can get more (local) eyeballs on your content. So, how exactly do you determine which keywords your audience and competition use on social media? Simple—you spy on them. 😉

Tip 6. Save Commonly Used Real Estate Hashtags to Copy & Paste Into Your Posts

Once you figure out which hashtags to use on a regular cadence, save yourself some time and wrist pain by copying those hashtags somewhere you can access them easily, like your Notes app. Here are a couple of templates you can copy and paste—then add your personal hashtags, specific home features if you’re highlighting a listing, and one or two local hashtags to really make your posts shine.

Tip 7. Have Fun & Show Off Some Personality

One of the biggest mistakes we see real estate agents make is using hashtags like filing a book in the library. While you do need to make sure your hashtags help categorize your posts, it’s important to remember that your audience can see them. The last thing you want is to come across as a bore.

Screenshot of an Instagram post of a Star Wars meme. It includes a picture of Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker with the description: "Me before every appraisal" and the caption: "I have a very bad feeling about this."
Use fun holidays to get creative with your hashtag strategy and encourage engagement (Source: Instagram)

So have some fun with hashtags. You might try sprinkling in some hashtags just to describe your mood (#happy) or to congratulate a coworker or friend on a promotion with #crushingit. Holidays, the Super Bowl, and fleeting trends are also great excuses to not just categorize your posts but also show off your personality.

Real Estate Hashtag Strategies for Every Platform

Real estate hashtag strategies don’t vary much between platforms. But here are a few quirks with how each platform handles hashtags that are worth noting.


instagram logo

Instagram allows users to follow hashtags. While this might not seem very significant, it can actually help you build a regular audience for your IG content.

You can also add hashtags to your Instagram bio. Local and popular real estate hashtags work great, but consider creating your own unique hashtag (like #pinkyknowsnaples) for your personal brand. Then, encourage your audience to follow you.


facebook logo

Instagram and Facebook may both be owned by Meta, but the strategy for using hashtags on each platform differs. Facebook business pages are still used heavily by agents to promote listings and branding. Most people who are in the market to buy and sell also still use Facebook regularly, in fact, Facebook users are expected to increase between 2024 and 2028 by 12.6 million users to reach 262.8 million. That’s a lot of eyeballs! So, ignoring Facebook in your social media marketing is a big mistake. 

Facebook for real estate is a smart play for promoting listings and personal branding. It’s also a great place to get hyperlocal with your hashtags. Searching hashtags isn’t as easy or productive as on Instagram, and you can’t follow hashtags on Facebook, but it’s still worth including relevant hashtags on your #openhouse or #justlisted posts. And include those fun hashtags that describe your brand, like #littlemissrealtor, or as Michele Bee Bellisari does here, #soooboca.

Screenshot of Michele Bee Bellisari's post on Instagram of a video on 11 reasons to buy a second home in South Florida. She uses her brokerage hashtag along with her distinctive #SoooBoca hashtag in her posts.
Specialized hashtags (Source: Facebook)


tiktok logo

Hashtags are crucial to finding content on TikTok. Luckily, though, the strategy is very similar to other social media platforms. Hashtags sort content so that it finds the right audience. 

Trends are big on TikTok, even for real estate agents, so take advantage of what’s happening in the moment. For example, TikTok loves a hashtag challenge. Challenge your audience to create their own content—like a video of their favorite part of their home—and use your branded hashtag.

Screenshot of a TikTok video walkthrough of a waterfront property set to music.
Use challenges or tending songs on TikTok to increase your engagement (Source: TikTok)

TikTok is also an excellent place to showcase stunning listings. A short video tour or a video highlighting what makes it special or unique can help build an audience. Remember, TikTok is supposed to be fun, imaginative, and very interactive, so have some fun with these.

TikTok often categorizes content by location, so be sure to add your local hashtags.

X: Formerly Twitter

X logo

The only real difference between using hashtags on X and Instagram is that hashtags count against your total word count on X. This is fine if you’re just posting a picture, but it can be a pain if you have a lot you want to say.

Screenshot of X Explore page showing what are the top, latest, people, and more categories in hashtags on the platform.
Use the “Explore” tab on the left sidebar of X just as you would on Instagram to find trending hashtags (Source:

X makes finding popular local hashtags easy. To the left of your feed, there is an ever-changing column called Explore. This column shows popular and trending topics tailored to your content, current events, and the people you follow. Since you post a ton of real estate content, keep tabs on real estate-related X feeds, and follow local accounts, that little sidebar is your new best friend.


linkedin logo

If there’s one place that most real estate agents should post but don’t, it’s LinkedIn. After all, unlike other social media platforms like X, Facebook, and Instagram, there are way fewer shiny objects to distract your leads from your content. LinkedIn is a platform for professional development, so it dictates a more serious, business-like tone for your content.

Keep in mind that your audience may be smaller, and not everyone is going to check LinkedIn multiple times per day the same way they scroll Instagram. 

Screenshot of a post on LinkedIn outlining the the debt snowball vs. the debt avalanche posted by Cindy Kauffman, real estate agent.
LinkedIn is a great platform to showcase your real estate expertise (Source: LinkedIn)

When posting on LinkedIn, consider your audience. It’s probably not the best platform for your funny memes or lifestyle posts. Instead, consider sharing some of your real estate expertise through a market update, inspirational quotes, or your take on a current topic.


Pinterest Logo

Pinterest, on the other hand, is a different animal entirely. Instead of focusing on social interaction and engagement, Pinterest works like a visual search engine. Think of it as a Google image search that you can curate.

While you have 500 characters to use in your pin description, hashtags do count toward that total, so don’t overdo it. Four or five should be enough. Also, the first four hashtags show up beneath your pin in a search, so don’t save the best for last! Find popular or local hashtags on Pinterest by searching #yoursearchterm in the Pinterest search bar.

Screenshot of a Pinterest post with the title "Find Off-market Properties in Summer 2024" from The Close.
Use Pinterest as a visual search engine (Source: Pinterest)


youtube logo

Oddly, many agents don’t think of using hashtags in their YouTube videos—to their detriment. Did you know you can increase your video views by adding a few local hashtags to your videos? It’s true! When you add local hashtags to the description of your videos, the hashtag becomes a hyperlink, and your video is categorized by your local area. It also helps your videos get found when viewers are searching for information about your locale.

Thumbnail for YouTube video titled "Places in Florida Where Floridians Vacation" over an image of Crab Island in Destin, FL
You can add hashtags to your description to increase visibility (Source: YouTube)
Screenshot of the top part of the description for the Florida Vacation spots video with hashtags #destinflorida #floridakeys and #staugustine at the top.
 Add relevant local hashtags to your video descriptions to help visitors find your content (Source: YouTube)

Pro Tip: While this strategy is not an actual hashtag, geotagging can boost your hashtag game. Just tag your location with the geo-tagging feature in your post.

Screenshot of Instagram post with a geotag. Use these with relevant hashtags.
Use a geotag in your posts at every opportunity (Source: Instagram)

Generate Real Estate Hashtags With AI

Still stuck? Try using a generative AI platform to create hashtags for you. AI tools like ChatGPT have a unique advantage—they’re designed to analyze current real estate trends and generate hashtags that appeal to a wide audience. 

Whether you’re posting a new listing, sharing some educational bombs, or updating your followers on the latest market insights, simply input your information and desired platform into the AI tool. It can craft a post for you, complete with relevant emojis and hashtags.

How to Use AI to Generate Your Hashtags

  • Open your favorite AI platform (ChatGPT, Claude,, etc.)
  • Provide context about your post:
    • Type of content (listing, market update, tips, etc.)
    • Property details (if applicable)
    • Target audience
    • Social media platform you’re using
  • Ask the AI to generate relevant hashtags
  • Review the suggestions and select the most appropriate ones
  • Consider asking the AI to refine or expand on certain hashtags
  • Use the chosen hashtags in your social media post
  • Track performance and adjust your strategy as needed
  • Keep successful hashtags where they can be copied and pasted for future posts 

Bringing It All Together

Building a brand on social media is a crucial part of most agents’ marketing plans. But it doesn’t have to be hard or boring. Hashtags are a great way to make social media work for you.

Do you use a great real estate hashtag that you want to share? Looking for more help using them? Let us know in the comments!