It’s Pride Month! In recent years, we’ve all seen how the real estate industry has made strides toward inclusivity, often marked by rainbow flags during June. However, genuine inclusivity goes far beyond these rainbow flags—it demands commitment and practical steps to ensure everyone feels welcome and respected. I’ll explore ways we can celebrate and promote inclusivity in our industry. Happy Pride!

1. Engage With Your Local LGBTQ+ Community

For real estate Pride Month, actively participate in local LGBTQ+ events and initiatives. Attend local Pride parades, patronize LGBTQ+-owned businesses in your community, and support charity events and fundraisers. By physically being there, you show genuine support to the LGBTQ+ community through your words and actions, establishing yourself as an ally.

Group of people under a Pride flag during a Pride event

2. Make Your Office a Safe Space

Making your office a safe space involves more than simply adding a welcome doormat and cozy lounge chairs. It requires concrete actions to ensure LGBTQ+ employees and clients feel secure. Implement an anti-discrimination policy that protects LGBTQ+ clients and staff and communicate this policy clearly in the workplace. 

Establish a zero-tolerance stance on harassment and bullying, with clear procedures for addressing such incidents. Additionally, you can create support groups within the workplace where LGBTQ+ employees can share experiences and seek encouragement. Some steps you can take to proceed with these policies and procedures include:

  • Develop and publish a clear anti-discrimination policy in employee handbooks and company websites.
  • Take swift action when receiving reports of harassment or bullying in the office. Your office should have clear procedures for investigating and implementing disciplinary measures for these incidents.
  • Support your agents and clients affected by harassment or bullying by giving them access to counseling services.
  • Offer resources for support groups within the workplace. Allocate time during office hours when agents can consult and discuss relevant issues.

3. Post Equal Opportunity Posters at Open Houses

When hosting open houses, post Equal Housing Opportunity posters. Place it next to your sign-in sheets or hang it on the property’s front door. Either way, having the Fair Housing poster at your open house ensures all visitors feel welcome and clearly states your brokerage’s commitment to anti-discrimination laws. You may also provide brochures outlining your policy on inclusivity and fair treatment.

A copy of the Equal Housing Opportunity poster from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development

4. Extend a Message of Support to LGBTQ+ Agents & Clients

Want to know how real estate celebrates Pride Month? Reach out to your LGBTQ+ clients and fellow agents. Send an email, a text message, or a phone call. Tell them you support their initiatives and advocacies and have their back. Communicate your commitment to inclusivity through clear messaging on your social media platforms and website. This small gesture goes a long way in making everyone feel seen.

5. Create More Inclusive Marketing Materials

To create more inclusive marketing materials, use language and imagery representing the LGBTQ+ community. After all, heterosexual couples are not the only ones browsing through property listings! Feature same-sex couples, transgender people, non-binary individuals, and families with LGBTQ+ parents or children in your brand’s promotional photos and videos. Ensure that your language in listings and real estate ads uses gender-neutral language. Avoid assumptions about potential clients’ identities and relationships.

A girl with her gay parents posing for a photo in their kitchen

6. Inclusion Starts From the Top

Leaders should set the tone and example for brokerages to thrive and be more inclusive. This Pride Month, invite real estate speakers from LGBTQ+ groups to share their experiences, providing an open dialogue. Encourage employees to share their personal stories through social media or company newsletters. 

In addition, ensure equal access to opportunities for promotions and professional development. By showcasing diverse experiences, encouraging participation from all levels, and providing equal opportunities, you’re creating a more inclusive environment for all agents.

7. Expand Your Client Base Through LGBTQ+ Referrals

For real estate Pride Month, build a network of LGBTQ+-friendly service providers to recommend to fellow agents and clients. Compile a list of trusted home inspectors, real estate attorneys, coaches, mentors, appraisers, and contractors known for their inclusive practices and refer them when applicable. 

Encourage your network to do the same, showing mutual support within your community. This approach builds your network through real estate referrals and strengthens your relationships with clients and fellow real estate professionals.

8. Collaborate With LGBTQ+ Influencers & Content Creators

Partnering with LGBTQ+ influencers and content creators for real estate Pride Month is another way to reach a larger audience and build trust within the community. Tap influencers to co-host a virtual or in-person event, create podcast episodes about Pride, or collaborate on a neighborhood walkthrough Instagram reel video! Let them share their success stories, highlighting how inclusive real estate practices have impacted their lives. 

Additionally, it would help if you considered working together on educational content, such as blog posts, articles, or webinars, that address common challenges for LGBTQ+ homebuyers and renters. By using your platform wisely and engaging with these collaborative efforts, you can build lasting relationships with the LGBTQ+ community.

9. Promote Diversity When Hiring & Onboarding

It’s 2024—everybody should be able to bring their authentic selves to work and feel comfortable doing so. Promoting diversity in hiring processes is essential for creating an inclusive real estate brokerage. Actively recruit candidates from diverse backgrounds and offer comprehensive training on cultural intelligence and gender inclusivity. While these are only small steps toward a more inclusive industry, they still count.

Pride flag in a modern office space

10. Celebrate Pride Real Estate Beyond June

This line might sound cliché, but Pride should be celebrated every day. Consistently standing up for LGBTQ+ rights throughout the year demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity. As real estate agents, join community events, support LGBTQ+ organizations, lobby for anti-discrimination policies, and constantly show your efforts on social media. 

When crafting your real estate marketing calendar, feature diversity monthly instead of only in June. This year-round commitment shows that inclusivity isn’t just a seasonal focus during Pride Month but a core value of your brokerage firm.

A Short History of LGBTQ+ Protections in the NAR Code of Ethics

Over the years, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) has expanded its Code of Ethics to include protections for sexual orientation and gender identity, largely due to the efforts of the National Association of Gay & Lesbian Real Estate Professionals (NAGLREP). Founded in 2007 by Jeff Berger, NAGLREP advocates for fair and equal housing for the LGBTQ+ community.

One of the organization’s first goals was to amend Article 10 of the NAR Code of Ethics to include sexual orientation and gender identity. In 2008, NAGLREP proposed this amendment, and by 2010, NAR added sexual orientation to the code. Recognizing that gender identity was not yet understood or accepted by many large organizations, including NAR, NAGLREP continued its advocacy efforts to educate and push for further inclusivity.

In 2013, NAGLREP’s influence was highlighted when the organization invited then-HUD secretary Shaun Donovan to speak at their meeting during the NAR midyear legislative meetings in Washington, D.C. By 2014, NAR expanded its Code of Ethics to include gender identity protections, which was influenced by NAGLREP’s advocacy. You can read the amended Article 10 here.

In 2020, a new standard of practice under Article 10 was adopted, which codified a ban on harassing speech, hate speech, and slurs in the Code of Ethics.

Bringing It All Together

While it’s not Pride Month in the real estate industry every day, we can strive to create an environment that feels as inclusive and celebratory year-round. How can we help make the industry more inclusive for everyone? Share your thoughts on how we can further these efforts in the comments!