Welcome to a day in the life of a real estate agent. One minute, you’re prospecting; the next, you’re running out the door to meet a client. With the constant shift in responsibilities and the freedom to do what you want with your time, it can be challenging to stay on task. That’s why I’ve compiled these tips for time management, including a sample real estate agent schedule to help you take control of your day and make the most of your time. Let’s dive in and maximize your productivity!

Sample Real Estate Agent Schedule

Craft Your Real Estate Agent Schedule

When it comes to a real estate agent’s daily schedule, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. What works for me may not work for you and could lead to failure. I firmly believe that success is not tied to getting up at 5 a.m. every day. Instead, it’s about identifying your most productive hours and doing your best work during those hours. Personally, I am not a morning person, so I prioritize tasks that don’t require me to be fully “on” early in the day as part of my time management for real estate agents strategy.

A person typing on the computer with images of home-related icons hovering over the keyboard.

Our schedules are as unique as our businesses, but a successful real estate agent’s daily schedule should prioritize a healthy work-life balance. Finding the right approach to scheduling can make all the difference. Take a look at how you can effectively structure your day.

Types of Real Estate Agent Daily Tasks 

To grow your real estate business, it’s crucial to actively engage in business-building activities. These include prospecting, marketing, generating and nurturing leads, conducting market research, managing transactions, and following up with past clients. Prioritizing these tasks helps you build the rest of your activities around them. Here are items that should be included in your day:

  • Self-care activity of choice
  • Get ready for the day
  • Check emails and follow up
  • Conduct market research
  • Start prospecting
  • Schedule client showings
  • Take time for breaks
  • Have lunch and take a short walk
  • Work on marketing and lead generation
  • Spend time on social media
  • Transaction management
  • Prep for client meetings
  • Meet with clients
  • Attend a networking event
  • Transition from work to personal time
  • Prep for the next day
  • Have dinner and do a wind-down activity
  • Periodically listen to real estate motivational speakers

Realtor Daily Schedule Example

In the world of real estate, we often talk about time blocking for real estate agents. It’s super important because, without good time management, the day can just slip away. Keep in mind that your schedule will vary based on your personal life, business, and clients so each day may look a little different. Here’s an example of how your day could break down.

A sample real estate agent schedule with tasks listed during each day of the week.

Time Management Tips for Real Estate Agents

Now that you know items that need to be included in your schedule and have seen an example agent schedule, it’s time to apply time management tips to ensure you can accomplish all your tasks.

Tip 1. Develop Your Mindset & Find Your Why

Before you do anything else, take a moment to reflect on your mindset. Setting the right expectations for yourself and your business can have a significant impact. You may not even realize that your mindset could hinder your ability to perform at your best. Consider the following points and strategize your approach to your real estate business. Doing so will help you customize your schedule to better suit your needs.

  • What gets you excited? 
  • What are your strengths? 
  • What problem are you trying to solve? 

As a realtor, it’s essential to discover what truly ignites your passion and fuels your drive to kickstart each day. This is important for maintaining motivation, especially when facing market fluctuations.

Tip 2: Drop the 24/7 Marketing Method

Marketing yourself as available around the clock can create unreasonable expectations for you and your clients. Talk with your clients upfront and let them know your working hours. Establishing specific business hours and making exceptions for urgent matters will help manage expectations and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Outside of the hours you set, try using your phone’s ‘do not disturb’ feature. You can also create an automatic response noting when you’ll address the message and how someone can reach you if it’s urgent. 

Tip 3: Use Time Blocking 

Time blocking is the ultimate key to mastering your schedule. Make sure to include both personal and professional tasks and activities in your daily schedule. Block out specific time slots on your calendar and set alerts to remind you to switch to the next task. It may take some time to get used to, but it will help you stay focused and ultimately increase your productivity.

Tip 4: Move Tasks Around 

Remember, it’s okay to be flexible with your schedule. If you feel that certain tasks would be better on a different day of the week or at a different time or day, go ahead and switch things around. Finding what works best for you, your clients, and your business is important. Like our market changes throughout the year, your schedule will also change. 

Tip 5: Invest in Lead Generation 

When it comes to managing your time, it’s all about finding smart ways to get things done. By streamlining your lead generation, you’ll have more time to focus on other important tasks and growing your business. Take some time to choose a lead gen company to partner with, and once you’ve made your decision, make sure to work lead management and follow-up into your daily routine.

Tip 6: Outsource Marketing 

Consider outsourcing your marketing. By teaming up with a company like Coffee & Contracts, you can tap into their amazing done-for-you marketing tools and resources to batch your social media content. This means you can select your social media posts for the entire week or month, saving you the hassle of choosing what to post every day.

The dashboard for a member of Coffee & Contracts, showing social media post options.
Coffee & Contracts member resource center (Source: Coffee & Contracts)

Tip 7: Execute Everyday to Create Habits 

Once you have identified your most important business-building tasks and set your schedule, it’s time to get to work. According to a hallmark study, it takes an average of about 66 days to form a habit. Consistently following your schedule will allow you to recognize the value of effective time management in real estate, enabling you to build and grow your business. This will set you on the path to achieving your goals and elevating your business.

A ball pendulum with the word habits on one end and success on the other.

Tip 8: Be Consistent 

Getting into the rhythm of your set schedule will take some time, but consistency is key in the real estate world. The rewards of our work may not be immediate, but they will come with time. Take neighborhood farming, for example – it may require multiple mailers before you see a return on your investment. Don’t give up if you’re not getting the desired results. Instead, tweak what you’re sending out and keep at it! 

Tip 9: Find an Accountability Partner

Having someone who’s got your back and can keep you on track with your business tasks while also reminding you to take some time off is important. It’s all about balance for the long haul. If you’re working solo, try teaming up with another real estate agent in your office for weekly check-ins. It’s a great way to hone your skills and lift each other up when you need it.

Tip 10. Adjust as Needed 

If you’re in the habit of creating a business plan every year, you’re probably familiar with the need to fine-tune it as the year progresses. The same goes for your daily and weekly schedule. What works for you in the winter might not work in the summer, so it’s important to be adaptable. Remember, this is your schedule and your business, so embrace the opportunity to evolve with it.

 A woman sitting at a desk looking at the computer with a calendar showing scheduled events on it.

Tip 11: Start a Team or Hire an Assistant 

If you are fully committed to following your real estate agent schedule but still feel like you’re not making significant progress, it’s time to bring on some help. Working with a coach or mentor could help you delegate tasks to scale your business and continue taking control of your time. 

Bringing on a real estate agent to handle buyer leads or host open houses will free up your time to focus on other important aspects of your life and business. Alternatively, hiring an assistant to manage showings and overall client/transaction management can significantly improve productivity.

Tip 12: Don’t Forget About Personal Time 

Real estate can be a challenging and fast-paced profession. You can enhance your productivity and achieve even greater success by prioritizing activities like spending quality time with loved ones, engaging in fun activities with friends, and caring for your physical and mental well-being. If you struggle to step away from work, find an agent willing to help out while you are with family or friends. 

FAQs on Time Management for Real Estate Agents

Bringing It All Together

Part of the thrill of being a real estate agent is that every day is different. However, the unpredictable nature of the job can disrupt your schedule. I hope you try out the tips we discussed today and that they help you better manage your schedule. Let us know if you have a time management hack or other time management for real estate agents tips that have supercharged your business.

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