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Lead Nurturing

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The 7 Best Free Real Estate CRMs for 2024

If you're not ready to pay for a CRM quite yet, we've picked the best free real estate CRM platforms to help you establish a consistent client communication plan.

July 18, 2024

The 6 Essential Real Estate AI Tools for Agents in 2024

More and more software companies are integrating AI into their services, making the lives of real estate agents all over the world easier and more efficient. When agents aren’t bogged down by all the mundane tasks of running a business, they can focus on building relationships with potential clients.

July 3, 2024

The Top 11 Client Appreciation Event Ideas for Realtors

As a real estate agent, I’ve realized that showing appreciation to our clients isn’t just a courtesy—it’s a critical piece of maintaining strong, lasting relationships.

June 20, 2024

Real Estate Lead Conversion Guide: 8 Steps to Close More Deals

Learn the basics of lead conversion and strategies that are tailored for different types of leads. Finally, we'll wrap up our comprehensive guide with some tips to scale your business.

April 26, 2024

65 Real Estate Infographics + How to Make Your Own & Go Viral

Real estate infographics are one of the most engaging ways to get your message in front of your audience and get your content shared far and wide.

December 1, 2023

Top 23 Real Estate Postcard Templates That Actually Generate Leads (+ Design Guide)

Direct mail can be an incredibly effective at branding and lead generation. Learn about the types of postcards that will kick-start your business plan, why they work, when to send them, and where to find the best templates.

November 6, 2023